My New S.U.B (and how I built a stylish custom top deck for under twenty bucks)

Well, I finally did it. After months of hemming and hawing (as to whether I should purchase another bike…this makes six), I finally did it. I ordered my Mundo Yuba. And I gotta say that it’s pretty exciting. It was a little intimidating putting it together. I’m a pretty handy guy, but I’ve never putContinue reading “My New S.U.B (and how I built a stylish custom top deck for under twenty bucks)”

>My New S.U.B (and how I built a stylish custom top deck for under twenty bucks)

>Well, I finally did it. After months of hemming and hawing (as to whether I should purchase another bike…this makes six), I finally did it. I ordered my Mundo Yuba. And I gotta say that it’s pretty exciting. It was a little intimidating putting it together. I’m a pretty handy guy, but I’ve never putContinue reading “>My New S.U.B (and how I built a stylish custom top deck for under twenty bucks)”

Tomato Time

Tomatoes are my favorite garden vegetable to grow. They’re my favorite for a couple of reasons: firstly because I enjoy eating them raw or in almost any preparation, and secondly, after the initial planting they are almost worry free…give them sun and water and you’re guaranteed a good crop by August. At any rate, IContinue reading “Tomato Time”