Barcelona 1908

I’ve posted this video in the past but not in a while. I thought I’d re-post in the event you haven’t seen it. When I first came across it I was mesmerized…I still am. I think it’s beautiful. Maybe it’s the music, I’m not sure. It captures the street scene more than a hundred yearsContinue reading “Barcelona 1908”

The Tao of Pug

If you’ve been to this blog before you know that besides riding bikes, cooking, taking photos, and looking up at the sky and wondering what it’s all about….I am also a “dog person.” That’s Maxwell (the blond one) and Franklin (the black one) pictured above. They’re brothers from the same parents but separate litters (MaxwellContinue reading “The Tao of Pug”

Looking Up

Well this is interesting. The above photo is a zoomed in version of one I posted yesterday (scroll down one post). It was one of a few photos I took at dusk, and in the post I referred to it as the moon with a star visible. A reader of this blog commented that itContinue reading “Looking Up”

Things That Can be Carried on a Bike (#403)

  A gym bag full of wet clothes, a canvas bag containing–among other things–a spare camera, a 4lb/1.8kg bag of dog food, 3 liters of red wine, and $56.42 (US) in groceries. To see a few other things that I’ve carried on a bike, click here. Urban Simplicity.

A Few Things I Saw Today

From Top to Bottom: A waxing crescent moon with a star in view.A side view of Temple Beth Zion.  Twigs in melting snow.Dusk over Buffalo’s West Side. Urban Simplicity.

Whole Grain Pancakes (a 3-in-1 recipe)

I’ve mentioned before that on Saturday mornings I often make my son French Toast for breakfast (click here for multiple recipes and photos) but today I made a variation…whole grain pancakes. And why I call this a 3-in-1 recipe is because of just that…I made three things out of one recipe. I often make andContinue reading “Whole Grain Pancakes (a 3-in-1 recipe)”

Five Quotes from W.E.B. Du Boise

To read more about W.E.B. Du Boise, click here; to read more about the Niagara Movement, click here. To read more in the Five Quotes series, click here. “One is astonished in the study of history at the recurrence of the idea that evil must be forgotten, distorted, skimmed over. We must not remember thatContinue reading “Five Quotes from W.E.B. Du Boise”

More on the Trailer

This post is related to my prevous post regarding my latest experiment in self-propelled mobility…a trailer attached to the Mundo. A few people have asked me how I attached the hitch to the bike seeing the Mundo–with its long wheel base–is not suited for an attachment to the traditional axle attachment. How I attached thisContinue reading “More on the Trailer”

Increased Capacity

If you’ve been to this blog before you know that I ride a bike as often as I can, not great distances or in races but for my everyday transportation around town…and I also like to carry stuff on my bikes, whatever stuff a person would normally carry in their car. Besides my cargo bikeContinue reading “Increased Capacity”

A Few Comments on Size

I knew the title of this post would capture your attention…but it’s not what you think. I’m of course talking about the above video which moves from the size of a molecule to a galaxy in just over two minutes. I find myself looking skyward a lot these days…not sure why, I just do. ItContinue reading “A Few Comments on Size”

Four Unrelated Photos and a Few Words to Describe Them

The only way these photos have any relation to one another is that they were all taken today. Other than the one  directly below–which was taken earlier in the day while at work–the other three were all taken within about 20 minutes of one another. Here’s a bit about them, from top to bottom: IContinue reading “Four Unrelated Photos and a Few Words to Describe Them”

Here’s Something I Don’t See Everyday

I’ve heard on many occasions that we have falcons living in the City of Buffalo but never saw one first hand…until now. These pictures were taken from the kitchen window at my place of employment which overlooks a garden. It’s a Peregrine Falcon (I think) and seems to have been looking for something to eat…gladContinue reading “Here’s Something I Don’t See Everyday”

Things I Saw within an Arm’s Reach of Each Other

It’s interesting what a few hours make. I took these photos this morning as I was arriving at work. It looked and felt like a beautiful pre-spring morning. Later in the evening I took these photos and posted them here….now it’s been snowing for hours. Anyhow, as I approached work today I anticipated a busyContinue reading “Things I Saw within an Arm’s Reach of Each Other”

Two Cream Soup Recipes

Vichyssoise (Serve warm in the winter months and chilled in the summer) Yield: 4-5 cups 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 bunch leeks (white parts only), cutcrosswise, and washed three times 2 cups chicken stock 2 large potatoes, peeled and diced 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon white pepper 1 cup heavy cream Heat the butter inContinue reading “Two Cream Soup Recipes”

Playing with Light and Snow….Two Trees; Eight Views

It was snowing lightly early in the evening tonight as I pedaled to the health club…big slushy flakes. And when I came out it was really coming down (it still is)…large wet flakes that stick to everything (including a camera and a person riding a bike). Anyhow, I snapped a few photos of two differentContinue reading “Playing with Light and Snow….Two Trees; Eight Views”

Lent (bread recipe)

100% Whole Wheat Bread (made with four ingredients) To read the entire post regarding making whole wheat bread with just four basic ingredients, click here. Makes 2 loaves 2 cups whole wheat flour1 cup water2 teaspoons instant yeast————————4 cups whole wheat flour2 cups water————————3 teaspoons instant yeast3 teaspoons kosher salt In one bowl make aContinue reading “Lent (bread recipe)”

Things That Can be Carried on a Bike (#402)

More than 6 dozen freshly-made fastnacht kuecheles in 3 plastic tubs. Urban Simplicity.

Nearly Night (Fastnacht Kuecheles…recipe and lore)

This is a recipe that I post every year just before Lent. I usually post it on Shrove Tuesday–the traditional day these doughnuts are eaten–but thought I’d post it a day earlier in the event anyone would like to make them (and I hope you do). I was lucky enough to be brought up withContinue reading “Nearly Night (Fastnacht Kuecheles…recipe and lore)”

Comments about Dusk…and one other thing

That’s my Mundo pictured above; it’s parked in one of my usual spots at the health club (I commented on this parking spot previously at this post). I came out of the club this evening at just about 6pm and saw the incredible blue hue you see in all of these photos; none are adulterated.Continue reading “Comments about Dusk…and one other thing”